Our Vision Statement expresses the beliefs and values we hold which facilitate the development of the whole child. We are a faith-filled community which respects and includes all.
Within this environment, we teach a comprehensive curriculum based on the Victorian Curriculum, where learners are empowered to shape and enrich their world with meaning, purpose and hope – derived from their encounter with life and the teachings of Jesus. ICT capabilities and digital literacies are an essential component of the curriculum to improve and enhance access, participation, achievement and problem solving for each of our students.
We believe that every child can and should experience success. We aim to nurture and encourage curiosity, creativity and imagination. We develop in our students a passion and interest to be lifelong learners and become responsible and active global citizens engaged in a contemporary world.
Continuous learning with clear purpose and connection to the real world and situations is critical to developing the capabilities and competencies of the whole child. Learning is student centred with teachers being the key to facilitating each child’s development. Teachers plan collaboratively with Curriculum Leaders and are provided with time to develop and discuss the needs of their students. The development of relationships is pivotal to a sense of belonging and well-being.
Our collective goal is for all our children to experience a happy productive school life and feel a strong connection to their school and wider community.
Our school gates open at 8.30 and gates are locked at 9am. Gates are then re-opened at 3.30pm dismissal. All visitors must sign in through the front office. All visitors must have working with children card and sign the code of conduct on arrival.
At St Margaret Mary's we value, promote, and adhere to the six principles of Australian democracy:
(a) elected government;
(b) the rule of law;
(c) equal rights for all before the law;
(d) freedom of religion;
(e) freedom of speech and association; and
(f) the values of openness and tolerance.
Through our Learning Dispositions and our Inquiry and Religious Education Units, we actively promote the nine Values for Australian Schooling including:
(a) care and compassion;
(b) doing your best;
(c) a fair go;
(d) freedom;
(e) honesty and trustworthiness;
(f) integrity;
(h) respect;
(i) responsibility; and
(j) understanding, tolerance and inclusion.