We believe that all students can learn and that this best occurs where students feel happy, valued and secure. To achieve this, teachers, students and parents are encouraged to work closely together to create a safe and stimulating environment.
St. Margaret Mary’s is an inclusive and welcoming learning community. Students with special needs receive support within the school community. The provision of this support is overseen by the Student Well being Leader.
As a small community school we strive to ensure that every child’s needs are identified and met so they are able to feel success, feel safe and learn to love ‘learning’.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)
St Margaret Mary’s Primary School follows the SWPBS Framework. This is a whole school approach to creating an environment, which encourages effective learning through the development of a positive, calm and welcoming atmosphere.
We provide positive feedback to students often in order to teach students how to behave appropriately. We recognize that learning social skills and socially acceptable behaviours is a process, which everybody moves through at a different pace.
All our teaching in the area of behaviour links directly back to our four expectations;
. Be Respectful
. Be Responsible
. Be Safe
. Be your Best
Buddy program
Our Prep children are allocated a senior school students as a buddy who will be a point of contact in the school playground and assist them if required. Scheduled time is allocated throughout the term for buddies to develop relationships.
To assist students with transition to school we run a transition program for kindergarten students enrolled in our school in November of their kinder year. Over four sessions the children have an opportunity to meet their future classmates and become familiar with the prep teacher and the prep room. This is also a wonderful opportunity for parents to make connections with other parents and get sense of our welcoming community.
Year 6 students are also supported through their transition to secondary school through links made with the secondary schools and a transition program where they get to voice their anxieties and concerns and problem solve possible scenarios they may face at the start of year 7.
Student Voice
Students are elected from each class to join the Student Representative Council which meets with the Principal fortnightly to discuss students concerns and to provide an insight into student concerns.
Year 6 students are elected by the student body and staff as School Captains, Sports Captains, Social Justice Captains and Sustainability Captains.
Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy